Friday, June 22, 2018

Adventures Ahead at the Brick House

We are at a turning point.  Dan and I have been preparing this house, where we've lived for 24 years, to put on the market.  The only things I have left to do is caulk the tubs and paint parts of the outside. Dan has a longer list than I. The roof contractor comes Monday. 
As I look around, I'm no longer nostalgic. I'm just "finished." I want to present this home to its next owner, pristine and complete.  These  walls are painted, sufficient furniture and paintings just so, while the home that we've gutted and prepared to occupy next is filled-to-the-gills with stuff that, if here, would hinder the staging of this home for sale.  The other house, "The Brick House," looks like an explosion - one I cannot attend to until this house is on the market. Then I must go through 24 years of belongings, culling them until I can stand to live around what remains.
So..... the job is nowhere near done, but what we've done here is (near) done.  And it's beautiful.  The photographer comes next week. The inside is so pretty - unlike it ever was while we've made our memories in it.  The front door is painted aqua and ocean paintings throughout are a hint of what pleases me.
I pray that this is a gift to someone that is beyond their expectations. I imagine that the care we've given this task was specifically planned by Him to give a certain family pleasure - that they've wanted this very home for some time, and that they'll know it the moment they see it. 
Last October, Dan approached me, and then my daughter and son-in-law, Jimmie, with his "idea," which we have since worked toward as an inspiration - a prophecy to be fulfilled. He and I would sell our home, which we'd before planned to stay in forever, and purchase his mom's, in a nearby neighborhood that required near-gutting and renewing.  Meghann and Jimmie'd outgrown their home with 4 children, and dreamed of renting it out. They would rent from us in Nana's house,  now "The Brick House," and we would each occupy a half.
I'm happy to say we're coming to the next stage in this journey.  In one week, it'll be on the market and we can turn our attention to constructing a master bath in the home we're moving into - the last requirement in this process that began last October.  This has been my job, day in and day out. I'm often reminded of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and that we've dwelled for the last 9 months in the bottom - the most basic of needs - physiological - preparing our new part of the world to provide food, warmth and rest. His theory is that, when you occupy that spot in the hierarchy, you cannot move on to anything else until you have securely attained those basic things.  It's what all my energy is given to, from the time I awaken every day.
What we have accomplished! And now I will pass this home on to a God-chosen family, knowing what awaits me at the Brick House - as I move on to what Maslow would call "belongingness and love," sharing coffee in the sunroom with my lovely daughter, her kind husband and 4 sunshiney girls.