The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke
You're a Christian. Don't buy into the implication that the only recourse to injustice is to be meek. It's a lie meant to silence you. Things that are unjust must be dragged into the light, not hidden; not ignored. When salt has lost it's savor it is no good but to be trampled underfoot.
You can believe that those whose ends justify the means have no problem speaking up. You need to speak up if Christ is in your heart. He is entitled to a human voice to influence a human world. We cannot sit back and ignore the dark. If you are paying attention to what is going on; if you feed your spirit with fellowship, prayer and the Word; if you feel your indignation to the injustice around you welling up within you to speak out, then it is your duty to do so thoughtfully and unequivocally.
Be compassionate. do your research. Consider carefully. But speak out when evil, or just plain carelessness with the effect of evil, presents itself. Evil that goes unchallenged lives on, even grows.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke