When I was teaching special ed, in my 30's, I would do the wake-and-worry thing. I'd go ahead and get up and grade papers or plan. These days, I have figured out how to go back to sleep until I'm up to see Dan off at 5:30.
But then, there's coffee with Nonny. I almost can't wait to text my mom after Dan's breakfast and lunch are in his backpack and I hug him goodbye. It's my morning Mom-ritual.
I take a pic of my coffee and text it to her. Then we pick up where we left off yesterday. She tells me what's on her mind, how her sales are doing at her shop, about the stuff she's going through in her space so she doesn't leave it for us kids to go through.
My mom is 82. She is relatively high-tech, so we text nearly every morning at 0-Dark-Thirty (thanks, Mabee!) Sometimes I wake at 3 and FB tells me she's "active," so we'll text a bit and then go back to sleep - I will anyway. Mom might dose.
I realized this morning that will be a ritual that I'll miss. I accidentally woke up my sister by cross-texting my mom in a thread that included Mabee (sis) and Jack (bro.) I realized my mistake immediately, but my sister began to comment. It occurred to me then that once my mom goes to Heaven, I'll have no one to text first thing, or during the night, or to send coffee pics to. Mabee renamed the convo "O-Dark-Thirty" and went back to sleep.
Because the world revolves around us, I imagine everyone loves my mom like I do, prob like everyone thinks about theirs. Only I know I'm right. Haha. Everybody loves Nonny. She's fun, she's cute. She's smart. She LOVES and loves and loves. Knows everyone. Says what she thinks, and there're bits of wisdom mixed in. She's everywhere at once - still. If I chance to pop in to Goodwill, I can pretty much bet she'll be there.
Every teen goes through a period where they think they're smarter than their mom. Mine lasted maybe 5 minutes. My mom is amazing.
Gail: I'm running out of creamer.
Elizabeth: I have none! And it's yucky....and ice cream is not covering it!
Snow coming! Tuesday
Gail: I have coffee! Come over!
Gail: Think God will let you text me from Heaven in the mornings? I love our conversations. <3 I'll think about you every single time I drink my coffee.
Elizabeth: Every time I find this stuff, I just can't bear to pitch it.....so I'll put it in a safe place.... I don't even remember most of the stuff!
Gail: Ok, but don't put the totes in the attic yourself. Stack them up and wait for Andre.
Elizabeth:But it's dominating my living space. You'll have some laughs. A bargain at $5 a tote! Yes, God will let us text... He's used to us....and when folks hear about it they'll think you're nuts!🤣
Oh, if only it was easy to keep all these conversations. What can I say. I'm loving my mom. And I want to keep her forever. But someday, to her delight, she will fly just like she and Daddo have planned. And I will have to figure my morning out. There will be a missing puzzle piece in my life that will only be replaced when I follow her Home. Mom, I love you. Text me if you can. I'll pay attention. It will be my shell, my penny.