Seldom is the path of an individual clear in real time. I've no idea the life events one I encounter has faced. I make assumptions from their present role in a given moment. But like me, they have meandered to the place they now occupy.
There are dichotomies - the hippy becomes a conservative mom; a conservative mom becomes a hippy, etc., the stuff exhausted well in Hallmark movies; no need to dwell on that, but on illustrations more interesting and indepth.
My mother, the enthusiastic effective maternal grandmotherly matriarch blossoms to a buyer and seller of art and things unique, then becomes a prolific poet.
My sister-in-law lovingly raises up 3 boys, with pacifiers, soccer games and band practices and then produces art whose frame I could step into and be sublimely content.
Turns out Teddy Roosevelt wanted to be a scientist. He was irresistably drawn to rough-it in jungles untouched by humanity, bringing back previously unknown specimens.
Like them, I'm an amalgamation of many interests that, should you know them all at once, you might think I'm confused. A life that has never bored me, however, is the result. I've not failed to find focus, to produce within whichever one I occupy at a given time, as I suppose is true of most.
So infinite the array of personalities you will interact with in your life. Take them all, lay them all one on top of the other, and we cannot deny the vastness and intricacy that went into their creation. Uniquenesses, giftednesses, oddities, harmonies and dissonance we dwell with in our collective humanity. The collective we, with all of our potential in every direction, reflects the complexity of an Artist the size of Whose artbox makes laughable the limit of tools we take such pride in. And yet, He encourages us, within our sphere, to make excellent what we can.
Whatever you find to do, do it with all your might; Ecclesiastes 9:10
The artist reflects the Artist. The athlete reflects the Creator of the human form. The genius reflects the Designer of the intricate human brain. The musician reflects the mathematical patterns of a whimsical dramatic master Musician. The expert scientist represents the aforementioned Created brain encountering an earth and universe of incompletely-discoverable complexity of Creation. None of what we have was not given, did not exist first in the brush and palette of our Creator.
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27
For in the image of God, He made man. Genesis 9:6
My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Psalm 139:15
I will praise You; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
Until my last day, my life will reflect, and so will I acknowledge, the existence of the Artist.
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