In 2016, I'd become fit over several years by losing weight through eating right and running -- yes running. I had been focusing on the lives of my children while neglecting being physically active, for maybe 15 years. My last two kids were fairly self-sustaining, in college part time, and having assessed my state, I decided running would not kill me, and that I was healthy enough to give it a go.
This blog from 2016 chronicles my conclusion ( that what you practice you become better at, and that it really can be that simple. For me, at that time, though not what I'd call "easy" (it surely was a commitment,) the relationship between determination to keep placing one foot in front of the other, and health was simple. And it paid off. I was running for several years, had a new outlook, chased my grandbabies without issue.
Then injuries set in.
The one that took me down was Plantar Fasciitis in both feet. PF is, in my case, an overuse injury. I ran too far too abruptly.
I tried the various approaches to getting better, but it got worse. Running through it was not an option. In the course of my attempts to get better, I decided not to run - I was so desperately hoping that if I rested it it would actually get better. It has..... but it hasn't. It's a lingering plague. It's been close to 2 years.
Well, my podiatrist tells me that some people just run through it. I'm at the cusp of a decision to try. My feet are stubborn. I've had Physical Therapy - it is very expensive and can go on forever, and though there was some improvement, it just didn't want to go away completely. So I've come to the conclusion that the rest isn't helping at this point. It's time to get back on the road - or try anyway. Dieting, for me, has never resulted in more than negligible weight loss without exercise. PLUS I LOVE to go out at 6am (oh it can be a shove to get myself out that door) and hear my footfall, smell the grass and dirt, take in the stars, PRAY, and watch the sun come up. I have many many pictures that I posted on FB of the most beautiful God paintings from my days as a runner. I have found no substitute for the time I spend with Him out on the neighborhood streets a few mornings a week.
If all I do is walk, I know enough to be assured that however far I go walking, I'm nearly as fit as if I ran the same distance. So walking, if it's all I manage, still affords me a beautiful light show and a time of talking to my Lord about His art. I need that grounding. I crave it.
So, I'm putting this out there. I'm going to try. There is no health like that gotten from fitness. And when I am fit, I feel wonderful.
I'll start with walking with short spurts of running. Over time, the proportions will reverse. God willing, it will get easier and then pay off. I'll chronicle my progress here. I take pics of sunrises, and I'll put them up here. I get revelations from my talks with Him on my runs, and those will go here too. Dear Lord please help me!
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